Undeground space development and metro
The Group of companies Mosproekt-3 is a leader in the underground space development and in creation of modern light rail transit systems. The professional team has exceptional competencies to implement deep and shallow level stations, unique concepts of the ground metro section.
Roads and transportation
The Group of companies Mosproekt-3 is a key participant in large-scale infrastructure projects in Russia. The professional team has exceptional competencies to implement engineering structures in the cramped conditions of the megapolis and in federal facilities.
Transport hubs
The Group of companies Mosproekt-3 is a leading expert on the integration of various transport systems. The professional team has exceptional competencies to integrate the metro, railway infrastructure and ground transport into modern comfortable hubs.
Complex territory development and
civil engineering
The Group of companies Mosproekt-3 is a specialized centre based on the long-standing experience in creating balanced urban spaces. The professional team has high-profile competencies in the redevelopment of urban areas, renovation of residential properties and design and engineering of real estate facilities.
The Group of companies Mosproekt-3 is a recognized leader in the field of information technologies in Russia. The professional team has largely advanced its competencies in digital modelling and is closely involved in the establishment of up-to-date Regulations and Technical Standards.
is a leading Russian center of engineering competencies, which provides highly-technological solutions in the sphere of transport construction and integrated territorial development


projects in portfolio

unique engineers

certificates and patents

leader in industry in Russia

of BIM standards in Russia

Since 2011, the transport infrastructure development has been the key direction of Moscow urban policy, and the pace and volume of construction have made Moscow one of the world leaders. Coordinated work of all unites helps to cope with ambitious tasks. One of the most important decisions was to create the largest center of engineering competencies. The professional team of the Group of companies Mosproekt-3 provides the Moscow Complex of Urban Planning Policy and Construction with effective design solutions in the field of road and metro construction and integrated territorial development.
Andrey Bochkarev
Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Urban Planning and Construction

The new highway M-12, that is going to be a part of the international corridor “Europe – Western China”, has an essential multiple effect: it turns out to be not only the connection between a few subjects of the country, but the multiple increasing haulage subsequently. The construction of M-12 will enable to attract of roughly 70 million tonnes of domestic commodity traffic; total economic effect on GDP is estimated at 2,45 trillion rubles. The success of the project of such scale depends mainly on the quality of the construction as well as effective and efficient technological solutions. The Group of companies Mosproekt-3, that has proved to be highly credible on the road infrastructure market, has been given one of the most demanding and challenging sections of the highway.
Vasily Desyatkov
Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation

The professional teams of the design institutes Mosproekt-3, Mospromproekt, MNIITEP have always been called to meet Moscow key urban challenges starting from the improvement of park areas and ending with large-scale industrial housing construction projects, including experimental housing which was launched in 1993-1999. No wonder with the change of Moscow and its urban planning vector, the specialization of the institutes has renewed and today they are united under one brand of the Group of companies Mosproekt-3.
Vladimir Resin
Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the sixth and seventh convocations, a member of the State Duma’s Committee on Transport and Construction

Tunnelling does not know about national borders. It crosses them. To connect people. To allow them to experience the culture of others. In quite a similar way, Mosproekt-3 shares this philosophy. They are open to the ideas of others. They want to know about other opinions regarding typical engineering problems underground. And so we started our cooperation. Sharing knowledge and expertise. Asking questions. All of which initiate new thoughts. On all sides. We like it. And we look forward to continuing our teamwork.
Prof. Thomas Marcher
Institute of Rock Mechanics and Tunneling, Gratz Technical University, Austria

The Group of сompanies Mosproekt-3 is an active member of the RTA. The company specialists are part of the interdepartmental working group on the implementation of information modeling technologies, making an invaluable contribution to the use of modelling technologies in underground construction and development of regulatory documents defining common approaches to the implementation of TIM in the implementation of construction projects in Moscow. Taking into account that one of the main directions of RTA's work is the development of scientific and technological progress and the promotion of effective exchange of best practices in underground construction, engineers of the Mosproekt-3 Group of сompanies are active and permanent participants of scientific and technical conferences, round tables and seminars, presenting their experience and achievements in the field of underground space development.
Russian Tunnelling Association (RTA)

The construction of modern engineering structures, especially in the urban environment of a megalopolis, requires taking into account a large number of factors. United competencies in the design of urban environment, highways, transport interchanges, transport hubs, metro and territory development in one holding makes The Group of companies Mosproekt-3 a leading company for designing and forming a comfortable urban environment. The Group of companies Mosproekt-3 is a leader in the use of modern modelling technologies in the field of urban infrastructure construction, so the MADI focuses on the experience of Mosproekt-3 Group of companies in the development and implementation of its educational programs, as well as in providing the holding with highly qualified specialists – MADI graduates.
Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI)

The Group of companies Mosproekt-3 is one of the key reliable partners, who has been providing us with high quality design documentation for many years. Together, we have implemented many projects in the field of infrastructure construction, including such key projects as Sokolnicheskaya metro line, North-eastern and South-eastern chords, Alternate Route of Lyublinskaya Street, ZIL street and road network.
Road and Bridge Construction State Public Institution

The Group of companies Mosproekt-3 executives pay great attention not only to the current issues in the expertise area, but also to the development of managerial competencies. In particular, in partnership with the Skolkovo Business School the Group systematically conducts corporate training programs and intensive courses with experts of the best international schools.
Skolkovo Moscow School of Management

Autodesk and The Group of companies Mosproekt-3 have already had a 15-year history of reliable relations and fruitful collaboration. One of the most significant indicators of our collaboration is the history of success of “BIM-based design of Moscow Metro” project. We are glad that Autodesk technologies allow Mosproekt-3 to maintain a high pace of design work and commissioning and provide possibility to create uncompromising quality projects that fully meet the high technical and esthetic requirements of the modern metro. An equally important part of our collaboration, which have had a great impact on the entire BIM market in Russia, is a regular participation of Mosproekt-3 specialists in Autodesk BIM-leader club meetings. The Group has deservedly retained the honorary title of BIM-leader for several years.
Autodesk CIS

I had and have the privilege of working for a reputable company like Mosproekt-3 for several projects including the challenging Rapid Highway М-12 under construction “Moscow – Nizhny Novgorod – Kazan” and Moscow Metro. I appreciated the skill of all the specialists and experts of the company as well as the progressive and modern way of thinking of the management, which is devoted to technological development and on the safeguard of the human resources who are the treasure of each engineering company.
Federico Bontempi
Geodata Engineering S.p.A.

Winner of the All-Russian competition “100 best enterprises and organizations of Russia-2021”

BIM – Company of the Year

Diploma following the results of competition “The best implemented project in the field of construction” in the project “Active citizen”

Winner of the V All-Russian competition of BIM technologies 2020/21

Winner of the V All-Russian BIM Technology Competition 2020/21

Winner of the competition “The best implemented project in the field of construction in 2020”

Winner of the Denkmal awards 2021

Finalist of the competition “The best completed project for the construction of road network facilities”

Diploma of the winner of the competition “The best completed project for the construction of road network facilities”

Finalist of the competition “The best implemented project in the field of construction” in the nomination “Construction of educational facilities”

Finalist of the competition “The best completed project for the construction of road network facilities”

“Best project for the complex improvement of natural and green areas of the city of Moscow”

Diploma of the laureate of the “City for All” competition

Skolkovo Trend Award for an integrated to team development

Certificate of Merit from the Moscow City Construction Departament

Diploma of the winner of the competition “The best completed project for the construction of road network facilities”

III degree diploma of the Winner of the XIV All-Russian competition for the best design, survey and other organization of a similar profile in the construction complex for 2017

Best Completed Investment and Construction Project of the Year

Diploma of the title “Supplier of the Goverment of Moscow” for 2015 in the nomination “Design and construction”

Letter of thanks from head of the Moscow City Construction Department A. Bochkarev