In “Michurinsky Prospekt” Station of the Big Circle Line cast-in-situ structures are 83% complete, the constructors have already laid 25 thousand cubic meters of concrete and started the finishing of the passenger area and service rooms. Excavation works for the construction of the pedestrian crossing across Udaltsova ulitsa are also under way. The project of the Big Circle Line southern section was developed by Mospromproekt, the company which forms a part of The Group of companies Mosproekt-3.
“Dense urban development and lack of space caused some difficulties during the construction period – the station is located at the intersection of Ulitsa Udaltsova and Michurinsky Prospekt with a heavy traffic and a huge number of utility systems. While designing and engineering the station complex, the engineers had to take into consideration the plans on incentive parking area construction within the future transport hub area,” – said Andrey Bochkarev, the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Urban Planning and Construction.
To decrease the size of the construction footprint, the experts of The Group of companies Mosproekt-3 reconsidered the station dimensions and changed it into a seven-story station, one of the floors is going to be used as a parking area. “To minimize the load on the station structures, we used light-weight concrete for the parking area construction,” – highlighted Anna Merkulova, CEO of The Group of companies Mosproekt-3.
She also added that due to the lack of space, the construction of a future parking along with the station complex is conducted simultaneously. According to the project, both of them are connected with the so named station hall of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya Line and the future transport hub.
“Michurinsky Prospekt” Station of the Big Circle Line will provide a transfer to the so named station of the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya Line. The new station will also reduce the traffic load on the main transfer stations of Moscow Metro and southern sections of Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya and Sokolnicheskaya Line. Moreover, “Michurinsky Prospekt” Station will decrease the road traffic on Aminievskoye shosse, Ulitsa Udaltsova, Michurinsky and Vernandskogo Prospekts.